Brodick the Ex-Ranger

I am waffling again but I wanted to show-off a Sim I am particularly proud of which is pretty rare for me, lol. He's Brodick, a gentle soul that was tossed into a despicable career due to a terrible past. He is a character that was roleplayed by an old friend of mine named, SaiyanPride.

My first creation of Brodick turned out looking like Sephiroth from the Final Fantasy 7 video game. I think I just have a thing for silver-tressed bishounen(*a handsome man*). I tweaked his face a bit more and gave him better hair thanks to the Sims Cribbling site.

In my story LotR (not to be confused with the Tolkien classic) he is an assassin(not by choice) but once was a ranger. He loves the forest and all of nature. Yet he can never use his ranger magick because he has given up the purity of soul to seek vengeance against the one that murdered his entire family. Brodick's heart is now plagued with an unsatiable thirst for revenge. He has even gone as far as to seek the favor of Anor the Executioner. A literal hell horse that eats the souls of the equine and has a unique taste for flesh of all kind. O_O

What do you think? He's awfully cute isn't he?


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