Sims 2 Pictures: When Sims Rawk

Current Music: Fly Floam Fly Foam de Flirt
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Sims rawk there is no doubt about it.

I can't tell you how often I have skipped my Simlish webmaster/storyteller duties in order to just sit down and play for a few minutes out of these busy days. In a thin-veiled attempt to cover up my flakyiness I humbly share a few snapshots of my Sims goofing off. ^_^;

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The karaoke machine is bittersweet. On one hand our Sims can sing to their hearts delight but on the other hand -- we can't pick custom songs for them to sing. Why does Maxis mock us?! I know why. It's because Maxis is evil. -_-

Foxe is a huge fan of Queen. Come to think of it -grins- so am I. What would he be singing here I wonder...

"Fighting and free
Got your world in my hand
I'm here for your love and I'll make my stand
We were borne to be Princes of the Universe!"

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Or was it...

"Little Bunny Foo Foo,
Hopping through the forest
Scooping up the field mice
And boppin' 'em on the head"

Kitty Demonika: (*Waves hand in air*) Ah! Excuse me, but that's 'kissin' not 'boppin' em on the head!"

Foxe: (*frowns*) But that's not manly.

Kitty Demonika: And singing the Bunny Foo Foo song is? o_O

Foxe: Yes, yes it is. My Bunny Foo Foo is going to take over the world. Hey, you can help Bunny Foo Foo take over the world by copying and pasting---

Kitty Demonika: MOVING ON!

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She is as deadly as she is beautiful. <-- If Pirotessa 'Freyja' Naria was on the back of a Todd Mcfarlane action figure box that would be her description. Sorry, inside toy collectors joke. :P

(*Gasp*) But who is that in the background?!

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Everyone: It's Gokuu!

Turles: (*bellows*) No I'm T-U-R-L-E-S!!!!

Kitty Demonika: Yes ladies and gents it's the tanned-Gokuu look alike.

Naria: (*Singing to the tune of Pokemon*) "What kind of Saiya-jin are you? How do you shoot the things you sho-oo-oot? Share with me your Ki force deep insiiii-ide---"

Kitty Demonika: Whoa--MOVING ON!

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Aedan and Masaya. A couple that literally put meaning to a love-hate relationship. One is a red dragon with an Irish brogue and the other is a vampric cat with a Mexican accent. Aedan has a rifle called "Tyrannis" and Masaya likes to use two Uzis called "Saint and Draculina".

Out of all my Sims these two actually have maxed out their creativity points and sing decently. O_O

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If anything they would be singing, "Fairytale of New York" by the Pogues.

You're a bum
You're a punk

You're an old slut on junk
Lying there almost dead on a drip in that bed

You scumbag, you maggot
You cheap lousy faggot
Happy Christmas your arse
I pray God it's our last

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Doo be doo be doo!

Rawr! Rawr!

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Isn't that the cutest? It almost looks like Aedan has his hand around Masaya's waist.

All together: Awwwwwwwww!

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Oh but what do we have here? A promised sneak peek of LotR characters for two special people. The first is Cassandra Darlin' pillow-bopping Meshida (full-size) and the last picture is Ariella Elensar whom is currently my pride and joy. Thank you for reading! ^_^


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