Happy Anniversary M'lord


Today on December 15th marks the anniversary of our ninth (9) year together as husband and wife. Wow, can you believe it? He's been a glutton for punishment this long! LOL! I'm just kidding! <3 I love him so much. So here in public I shall do what I do best and that is make my husband blush with a poem of cornyness! :3

I heard the music when true love called,
a song sent from heaven on silver wings.
The whole world was dreaming,
wisps of light streaming,
as the stars spilled their magic upon you and me.

The tune was more lovely
than the nightingale's song,
more delicate than a rose weeping,
yet as powerful as the sun leaping
to shed golden ribbons in herald of dawn.

And I bow down before you,
the one my eyes have longed to behold,
my lonely heart pining,
love Light shining,
I swear that I shall love and adore you.

Happy Anniversary M'lord! Our love, together forever for all of eternity! <3 <3


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