Sims 2 Pictures: Streaking

I posted this before at my site forum but that forum doesn't exist anymore.  What happens here is really quirky. I had decided to sit down and play the Sims 2 for the first time in a very long time. Better yet, I had decided to play with a group of University students that have still not graduated! Poor things have been sitting in limbo land for a year and a half. Can you tell I'm neglectful toward my Simmies? ^_^;  Be fore-warned there is Barbie(Ken) details ahead!

He has some serious problems don't you agree?

The first thing I noticed was that this guy was running amuck in my dormitory. I play with the censor blur off. For those that don't play Sims it's a safety pre-caution built into the game to hide the naughty bits of the Sims. Although, you should know the Sims have no naughty bits. Unless of course you give them naughty bits and then that's just uhm...not what I do to my Sims. (*Whistles innocently *) Naaaughty!

Eek! Take a look at that arm!  I don't know why it happened this way but the poor Sim's arm exploded. Literally. Poof!  Big glitchy  arm that looks like he used it as a battering ram. Most likely he was running away from doing his homework. . .

As he was making a hasty retreat(*isn't it a bit cold for his er...naughty bits? LOL! *) I noticed that there was a huge chuck of his arm missing.
At this point the poor Sim noticed it too and ran away never to be seen again. Thank goodness he's gone for good. Not only did he have a chunk of his arm gone but he also had no naughty bits. How can you possibly live on knowing you're a clone reject of Barbie's ex-lover? I should mention that rumor has it that on a cold, windy, night. . .  you can still see that "full moon" walking about the rooftop of the Barbie dreamhouse. that's naaaughty!


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